European Women's University Classic Powerlifting Cup, Hamm (Luxembourg), 21-23.02.2025
Rnk    Name d.o.b. Team Bwt IPF GL Cf. Lot All Squat All Bench Press All Deadlift Total IPF GL Pts
1. Fleming Justine 2000 HVE 44,19 0,2955 2 82,5 90,0 90,0 1 50,0 52,5    X 2 112,5 117,5 117,5 2 245,0 72,39 12
2. Katzarova Katya 2003 NSA 46,45 0,2805 1 60,0 65,0 70,0 2 52,5 57,5 57,5 1 105,0 112,5 115,0 1 237,5 66,61 9
1. Varol Fatma 2000 AKU 51,67 0,2539 7 127,5 135,0 140,0 3 77,5 85,0 90,0 1 150,0 157,5 162,5 2 392,5 99,65 12
2. Varnerot Pauline 2006 ULR 51,98 0,2526 8 142,5 147,5 152,5 2 70,0 75,0 77,5 2 152,5 160,0 162,5 3 377,5 95,35 9
3. Gasquy Manon 2004 UAM 52,00 0,2525 4 137,5 145,0 147,5 1 67,5 72,5 75,0 3 152,5 160,0 160,0 4 375,0 94,69 8
4. Fortuna Martina 2002 SAPIENZA 51,99 0,2525 3 120,0 127,5 132,5 4 62,5 67,5 70,0 4 152,5 160,0 165,0 1 367,5 92,81 7
5. Ischi Mayane 2003 Unifr 51,92 0,2528 5 117,5 122,5 125,0 5 67,5 72,5 75,0 5 127,5 135,0 140,0 5 332,5 84,07 6
6. Kucljak Matea 2003 ZGRU 51,19 0,2560 6 85,0 90,0 95,0 6 47,5 50,0 52,5 6 75,0 82,5 87,5 6 227,5 58,23 5
1. Cuesta-Roe Chloe 2002 USM 56,61 0,2358 17 132,5 137,5 140,0 3 72,5 77,5 80,0 2 152,5 162,5 167,5 1 385,0 90,78 12
2. Cox Annabelle 2004 EXE 56,04 0,2376 10 140,0 147,5 152,5 1 67,5 72,5 75,0 3 142,5 150,0 155,0 4 377,5 89,70 9
3. Rocarkova Eliska 2001 UPA 56,15 0,2373 12 132,5 140,0 145,0 2 77,5 82,5 85,0 1 135,0 142,5 147,5 5 372,5 88,38 8
4. Middlemas Amy 2003 UEA 56,67 0,2356 15 125,0 132,5 132,5 4 67,5 70,0 72,5 4 157,5 165,0 170,0 2 370,0 87,17 7
5. Weydert Emma 2004 ULR 56,53 0,2360 14 117,5 122,5 125,0 5 67,5 70,0 72,5 5 150,0 157,5 162,5 3 357,5 84,38 6
6. Kucerova Klara 2004 CZU 56,67 0,2356 13 112,5 117,5 120,0 6 55,0 57,5 60,0 7 140,0 145,0 145,0 6 317,5 74,80 5
7. Tyndall Leah 2005 MU 55,96 0,2379 11 107,5 115,0 120,0 7 57,5 60,0 62,5 6 125,0 125,0 130,0 7 305,0 72,55 4
1. Quinn Laoise 2003 TUS 61,23 0,2229 4 150,0 157,5 165,0 2 82,5 87,5 90,0 2 185,0 185,0 193,5 1 448,5 99,98 12
2. Peltret Marine 2002 UPIC 62,52 0,2199 9 140,0 147,5 152,5 6 100,0 105,0 108,0 1 165,0 175,0 185,0 3 442,5 97,29 9
3. Dutordoir Jana 2000 UG 60,82 0,2239 7 155,0 162,5 167,5 1 75,0 80,0 82,5 9 180,0 192,5 200,5 2 440,0 98,53 8
4. Marsh Martha 2003 LANU 62,60 0,2197 18 142,5 152,5 157,5 4 82,5 87,5 90,0 3 160,0 170,0 177,5 5 425,0 93,37 7
5. Janez Ida 2002 UNILJ 62,29 0,2204 13 152,5 160,0 160,0 3 85,0 90,0 90,0 5 157,5 167,5 175,0 6 420,0 92,57 6
6. Jansova Dominika 2001 UPA 60,38 0,2251 14 135,0 142,5 150,0 7 82,5 85,0 85,0 7 167,5 167,5 177,5 4 410,0 92,27 5
7. Ghys Constance 2002 UDL 62,05 0,2210 5 140,0 150,0 155,0 5 77,5 82,5 85,0 8 160,0 170,0 175,0 10 407,5 90,04 4
8. O'Leary Ellen 2000 UCD 62,78 0,2193 2 140,0 145,0 150,0 11 75,0 77,5 80,0 11 162,5 172,5 177,5 9 397,5 87,16 3
9. Auletta Giovanna 2004 EPEGASO 62,48 0,2200 6 137,5 145,0 147,5 10 80,0 85,0 87,5 6 155,0 162,5 170,0 13 395,0 86,88 2
10. Belhaj Kaoutar 2002 UAMS 62,66 0,2196 1 125,0 135,0 142,5 12 72,5 77,5 77,5 12 165,0 175,0 180,0 7 395,0 86,72 1
11. Wilson Elena 2004 UA92 60,07 0,2259 17 125,0 132,5 140,0 13 80,0 85,0 87,5 4 145,0 155,0 165,0 11 392,5 88,65 1
12. Bouvy Morgane 2002 UCL 61,11 0,2232 16 135,0 142,5 150,0 8 65,0 70,0 72,5 14 147,5 157,5 165,0 12 385,0 85,94 1
13. van Oosten Lieke 2003 VU 62,42 0,2201 3 132,5 140,0 140,0 14 67,5 72,5 75,0 13 145,0 152,5 160,0 14 375,0 82,54 1
14. Onkalo Jenna 2002 UT 62,57 0,2198 12 117,5 122,5 127,5 15 67,5 67,5 70,0 15 152,5 162,5 172,5 8 370,0 81,31 1
15. Locmele Marija 2000 RSU 62,75 0,2193 10 120,0 127,5 132,5 16 72,5 77,5 80,0 10 132,5 142,5 147,5 16 355,0 77,87 1
16. Yilmaz Kubra 2004 IMU 60,75 0,2241 8 110,0 117,5 120,0 17 60,0 65,0 67,5 16 140,0 150,0 157,5 15 335,0 75,08 1
17. Stoyanova Tzvetelina 2001 NSA 62,16 0,2207 15 125,0 137,5 147,5 9 30,0 40,0 50,0 17 105,0 115,0 122,5 17 310,0 68,42 1
1. Dronfield Ella 2004 LGHU 68,26 0,2084 9 162,5 172,5 179,0 1 85,0 90,0 92,5 2 180,0 192,5 197,5 1 469,0 97,75 12
2. Goossens Kaya 2001 UG 68,72 0,2076 5 170,0 178,0 179,5 2 90,0 95,0 97,5 1 172,5 185,0 187,5 3 452,5 93,96 9
3. Hofstee Anouk 2000 RDBU 67,73 0,2094 7 152,5 160,0 162,5 3 77,5 80,0 82,5 4 185,0 195,0 195,0 2 430,0 90,02 8
4. Ahonen Hanne 2000 UJ 68,08 0,2087 3 142,5 150,0 150,0 5 72,5 77,5 82,5 6 175,0 180,0 187,5 4 407,5 85,06 7
5. de Greeff Odyl 2002 UT 68,06 0,2088 2 130,0 137,5 142,5 6 77,5 82,5 85,0 5 152,5 162,5 162,5 6 387,5 80,90 6
6. Veiksane Amanda 2001 LLU 68,30 0,2084 1 132,5 137,5 142,5 7 57,5 62,5 62,5 9 165,0 170,0 177,5 5 382,5 79,70 5
7. Boyle Shauna 2000 QUB 68,38 0,2082 4 145,0 157,5 162,5 4 62,5 65,0 67,5 8 135,0 145,0 150,0 9 380,0 79,13 4
8. Demsar Dasa 2005 UNI-LJ 66,04 0,2125 8 112,5 120,0 125,0 9 77,5 82,5 85,0 3 132,5 145,0 152,5 8 362,5 77,02 3
9. Johanovska Sara 2000 VSE 66,91 0,2108 6 115,0 122,5 130,0 8 70,0 72,5 72,5 7 140,0 150,0 157,5 7 357,5 75,38 2
1. Ribeyrol Lalande Illona 2002 ULR 72,95 0,2011 16 177,5 183,0 188,0 1 90,0 95,0 100,0 1 185,0 195,0 200,0 1 483,0 97,15 12
2. Besteman Juli 2002 Leiden 75,52 0,1977 19 152,5 157,5 160,0 4 85,0 87,5 90,0 4 172,5 177,5 182,5 2 427,5 84,54 9
3. Zwaan Danique 2004 Leiden 73,57 0,2003 12 135,0 142,5 147,5 5 80,0 85,0 87,5 3 170,0 177,5 180,0 3 415,0 83,12 8
4. Goricanec Maria Magdalena 2004 UNIN 74,25 0,1994 11 140,0 150,0 157,5 3 90,0 95,0 95,0 2 150,0 160,0 162,5 5 415,0 82,74 7
5. Agnew Millie 2002 QUB 75,60 0,1976 17 147,5 152,5 160,0 2 72,5 77,5 80,0 7 150,0 160,0 165,0 4 405,0 80,05 6
6. Prosenik Kaja 2003 UNI-LJ 75,45 0,1978 10 130,0 137,5 140,0 6 75,0 80,0 80,0 6 137,5 147,5 147,5 8 367,5 72,70 5
7. Troullaki Maria 2000 UoM 75,37 0,1979 13 125,0 125,0 125,0 8 72,5 77,5 80,0 5 135,0 140,0 147,5 7 352,5 69,77 4
8. Nedialkova Tanya 2005 NSA 72,07 0,2024 18 92,5 100,0 107,5 9 50,0 55,0 57,5 8 127,5 135,0 142,5 9 300,0 60,72 3
Ozola Anna 2001 RSU 73,92 0,1998 15 125,0 135,0 140,0 7 62,5 62,5 62,5 145,0 155,0 160,0 6 DSQ
1. Bonnet Luna 2002 UANT 79,45 0,1932 3 169,0 176,5 180,5 1 92,5 100,5 101,0 1 145,0 160,0 167,5 4 448,5 86,67 12
2. Behava Melina 2001 BPAS 83,12 0,1896 6 140,0 150,0 155,0 3 92,5 97,5 100,0 2 172,5 187,5 192,5 1 445,0 84,39 9
3. Dogan Gozde 2001 IAU 79,49 0,1932 1 168,5 176,5 177,5 2 80,0 82,5 85,0 3 175,0 182,5 192,5 3 436,0 84,23 8
4. Jensen Emma 2004 SETU 81,84 0,1908 5 132,5 142,5 147,5 4 67,5 70,0 72,5 4 160,0 172,5 185,0 2 405,0 77,29 7
5. Jelen Leja 2002 UMB 83,36 0,1894 4 127,5 135,0 140,0 5 65,0 67,5 70,0 5 142,5 150,0 155,0 5 365,0 69,14 6
1. Brezkova Tereza 2003 MUNI 127,75 0,1698 9 225,0 236,0 246,0-cj 1 115,0 115,0 122,5 1 150,0 160,0 167,5 1 536,0 91,00 12
2. Scott Alexis 2003 Nottingham 108,46 0,1748 10 180,0 192,5 202,5 2 87,5 92,5 95,0 3 150,0 157,5 160,0 2 457,5 79,98 9
3. Helebrandtova Alice 2001 CHU 118,02 0,1719 8 172,5 187,5 192,5 3 100,0 100,0 100,0 2 145,0 157,5 167,5 4 437,5 75,21 8
4. Belec Alja 2005 VSSB 102,58 0,1772 7 160,0 170,0 175,0 4 87,5 92,5 95,0 4 147,5 157,5 157,5 3 420,0 74,41 7
Team (points)
1.  Universite de Lorraine 27   [12+9+6] 276,89 IPF GL
2.  Universiteit Gent 17   [9+8] 192,49 IPF GL
3.  Leiden University of Appleid Sciences 17   [9+8] 167,66 IPF GL
4.  University of Ljubljana 14   [6+5+3] 242,30 IPF GL
5.  National Sports Academy 13   [9+3+1] 195,75 IPF GL
6.  University of Pardubice 13   [8+5] 180,65 IPF GL
7.  Technological University of the Shannon 12   [12] 99,98 IPF GL
9.  Loughborough University 12   [12] 97,75 IPF GL
10.  Masaryk University 12   [12] 91,00 IPF GL
11.  UFR STAPS MONTPELLIER 12   [12] 90,78 IPF GL
12.  University of Antwerpen 12   [12] 86,67 IPF GL
13.  Fontys University of Applied Sciences Eindhoven 12   [12] 72,39 IPF GL
14.  Queens University Belfast 10   [6+4] 159,17 IPF GL
15.  Universite de Picardie 9   [9] 97,29 IPF GL
16.  University of Exeter 9   [9] 89,70 IPF GL
17.  BLAISE PASCAL 9   [9] 84,39 IPF GL
18.  Nottingham Trent University 9   [9] 79,98 IPF GL
19.  Universite Aix-Marseille 8   [8] 94,69 IPF GL
20.  Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen 8   [8] 90,02 IPF GL
22.  Charles University 8   [8] 75,21 IPF GL
23.  Lancaster University 7   [7] 93,37 IPF GL
24.  La Sapienza University - Roma 7   [7] 92,81 IPF GL
25.  University of East Anglia 7   [7] 87,17 IPF GL
26.  University of Jyvaskyla 7   [7] 85,06 IPF GL
27.  University North 7   [7] 82,74 IPF GL
28.  South East Technological University Waterford 7   [7] 77,29 IPF GL
29.  Higher Vocational College for Hospitality Welness and Tourism Bled 7   [7] 74,41 IPF GL
30.  Universite de Fribourg 6   [6] 84,07 IPF GL
31.  University of Twente 6   [6] 80,90 IPF GL
32.  University of Maribor 6   [6] 69,14 IPF GL
33.  Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies 5   [5] 79,70 IPF GL
34.  Czech University of Life Sciences Prague 5   [5] 74,80 IPF GL
35.  University of Zagreb 5   [5] 58,23 IPF GL
36.  Universite de Lille 4   [4] 90,04 IPF GL
37.  Maynooth University 4   [4] 72,55 IPF GL
38.  University of Macedonia 4   [4] 69,77 IPF GL
39.  University College Dublin 3   [3] 87,16 IPF GL
40.  Pegaso University Telematica 2   [2] 86,88 IPF GL
41.  Prague University of Economics and Business 2   [2] 75,38 IPF GL
42.  University Academy 92 1   [1] 88,65 IPF GL
43.  University Amsterdam 1   [1] 86,72 IPF GL
44.  Universite Catholique de Louvain 1   [1] 85,94 IPF GL
45.  Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 1   [1] 82,54 IPF GL
46.  University of Tampere 1   [1] 81,31 IPF GL
47.  Riga Stradins University 1   [1] 77,87 IPF GL
Best Lifters of Open by IPF GL Formula
Rnk   Lifter  Team Bwt Total IPF GL Points C.Rnk
1. Quinn Laoise TUS 61.23 448,5 99,9823 1
2. Varol Fatma AKU 51.67 392,5 99,6546 1
3. Dutordoir Jana UG 60.82 440,0 98,5345 3
nb - New pers. bestlifts; n - National Record; c - Continental Record; w - World Record; cp - Competition's Record; wg - World Games Record;
1..4 - Master's Record; j - Junior's Record; s - Subjunior's Record; ps. - Personally; X - the refused attempt.
DSQ - Disqualification; DR - Removed by a Doctor; TD - Technical Disqualification; DD - Doping Disqualification.
BPAS = BLAISE PASCAL UANT = University of Antwerpen
CHU = Charles University UCD = University College Dublin
CZU = Czech University of Life Sciences Prague UCL = Universite Catholique de Louvain
EPEGASO = Pegaso University Telematica UDL = Universite de Lille
EXE = University of Exeter UEA = University of East Anglia
HVE = Fontys University of Applied Sciences Eindhoven UG = Universiteit Gent
LANU = Lancaster University UMB = University of Maribor
LGHU = Loughborough University UNI-LJ = University of Ljubljana
LLU = Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies UNILJ = University of Ljubljana
Leiden = Leiden University of Appleid Sciences UNIN = University North
MU = Maynooth University UPA = University of Pardubice
MUNI = Masaryk University UPIC = Universite de Picardie
NSA = National Sports Academy USM = UFR STAPS MONTPELLIER
Nottingham = Nottingham Trent University UT = University of Twente
QUB = Queens University Belfast UT = University of Tampere
RDBU = Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen Unifr = Universite de Fribourg
RSU = Riga Stradins University UoM = University of Macedonia
SAPIENZA = La Sapienza University - Roma VSE = Prague University of Economics and Business
SETU = South East Technological University Waterford VSSB = Higher Vocational College for Hospitality Welness and Tourism Bled
TUS = Technological University of the Shannon VU = Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
UA92 = University Academy 92 ZGRU = University of Zagreb
UAM = Universite Aix-Marseille